Check Ups
by Dott. Vincenzo di Grazia
At least once a year
In dentistry, as in any medical specialty, we recommend our patients at least one visit a year, along with professional dental hygiene, during which we check the health of teeth, gums and oral mucous membranes.
Check-ups help early diagnosis: small x-rays, panoramic radiographs (Orthopantomography) and intra-oral photographs allow us to locate tooth decay which is easy to treat and more affordable; as well as minor gingivitis, which would otherwise develop into the more complex periodontitis. Finally, the detection of important diseases such as oral cancer which, if diagnosed in the early stages, is treated without consequences, like the removal of a suspect mole on the skin.
Any initial problems encountered are easy to treat and inexpensive. If neglected, they can lead to tooth loss or the need for more complex care.